Our Stories

There’s always something on at Lifeskills+
Market craft

Market craft

At Lifeskills we are making items to sell at the Markets. Here are the soap presents we have completed.

Gardening Program.

Gardening Program.

Look at the vegetables and herbs we are growing as part of our Gardening Program. It is great to see the plants grow each week as we take care of them.

Cooking up a storm at Mudgee TAFE

Cooking up a storm at Mudgee TAFE

Here we are at Mudgee TAFE doing a Certificate II in Hospitality as part of our programs. We are learning about food preparation and food safety, and love to make Cafe style meals and snacks.

Wednesday Puppetry Program

Wednesday Puppetry Program

During our Wednesday Puppetry Program we made puppets from all sorts of materials. We then put on a puppet show for all clients and staff. It was lots of fun, and we can't wait to do it again.

Puppet Making program

Puppet Making program

Lifeskills Plus have a Puppet Making program where we get the chance to be creative. We are also planning to hold a puppet show very soon.

2019 Mudgee Show cake entry

2019 Mudgee Show cake entry

The cake decorating group have made this wonderful, colourful cake to enter into the 2019 Mudgee Show